💡 We are currently recruiting graduate students through the Georgetown Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience (IPN) as well as multiple research interns. Come join us for cool and fun research!
Time-resolved hemispheric lateralization of audiomotor functional connectivity during covert speech production. Mantegna, F., Orpella, J. & Poeppel, D
Covert speech involves the internal generation of articulatory movements and their sensory consequences. While overt speech involves a combination of feedforward and feedback signals, feedback signals may be substantially different, or even absent, during covert speech. Despite the differences, we conjectured that sensorimotor interareal communication during covert speech is implemented through the same channels recruited during overt speech. An influential overt speech model proposed that feedforward and feedback signals are segregated to the left and right hemispheres, respectively. Here, we used magnetoencephalography to investigate the lateralization of functional connectivity before and after covert speech production. The data reveal leftward lateralization preceding and rightward lateralization following predicted covert speech onset. This alternating lateralization pattern is observed only in the connection between premotor and auditory regions and in the alpha frequency band. The electrophysiological data, derived entirely from covert speech, add a provocative perspective to adjudicate between overt speech motor control models.
Speech can be defined as the human ability to communicate through a sequence of vocal sounds. Consequently, speech requires an emitter (the speaker) capable of generating the acoustic signal and a receiver (the listener) able to successfully decode the sounds produced by the emitter (i.e., the acoustic signal). Time plays a central role at both ends of this interaction. On the one hand, speech production requires precise and rapid coordination, typically within the order of milliseconds, of the upper vocal tract articulators (i.e., tongue, jaw, lips, and velum), their composite movements, and the activation of the vocal folds. On the other hand, the generated acoustic signal unfolds in time, carrying information at different timescales. This information must be parsed and integrated by the receiver for the correct transmission of meaning. This chapter describes the temporal patterns that characterize the speech signal and reviews research that explores the neural mechanisms underlying the generation of these patterns and the role they play in speech comprehension.Â
Happy New Year!
The Orpella Lab is so excited to continue our research in 2025. Check out how our lab space is coming together.Â
Many exciting things are ahead...
January 7th, 2025
Thanks to all who showed up and asked great questions at the Undergraduate Research Fair this week!
If you're interested in learning about opportunities within our lab, send us an email or fill out the Google Form on the Participate page!Â
November 12th, 2024
Welcome Dr. Neeraj Kumar!
The Orpella Lab is thrilled to announce that Dr. Neeraj Kumar has joined our team as a postdoctoral associate researcher on November 1st. Check him out on the Team Page!
November 1st, 2024
Keep an eye out for the lab's latest publication, currently submitted! See more publications.
Title: Hierarchical processing in the right ventral stream underpins behaviorally-relevant abstract representations of pitch
Authors: Oderbolz, C., Orpella, J. & Meyer, M
October 29th, 2024
Welcome Madeline Williams!
The Orpella Lab is thrilled to announce that Madeline has joined our team as the Lab Manager on October 14th. Check her out on the Team Page!
October 14th, 2024
Welcome Dr. Chantal Oderbolz!
The Orpella Lab is thrilled to announce that Dr. Chantal Oderbolz has joined our team as a postdoctoral associate researcher in early October. Check her out on the Team Page!
October 1st, 2024
Check out the before and after images of the renovation of our lab! We've completely renovated this space, previously used as a wet-lab, to be the stable location of the Orpella Lab - for our researchers, students, and lab staff to all enjoy. Decor ideas? We'd love to hear them. Contact us for more.
Summer 2024
Before renovations.
Before renovations.
After renovations!
After renovations!